One student takes on the role of a newsagent shop assistant and the other is a customer. In these engaging shopping role-plays, students practice shopping language in a newsagent's and in a clothes shop. The first group to buy all the items on their shopping list wins. When the customer has the item, they return to their group and the second customer goes off in search of the next item on the list. If the shop assistant doesn't have the item, the customer goes and finds the right shop. 'Hi, have you got.?' If the shop assistant has the item, they sell it to the customer and hand over a shopping item picture card. The customer then goes to what they think is the right shop and begins a conversation with the shop assistant, e.g. The students left waiting at the table take it in turns to be the shop assistant for their shop. To do this, each group sends out one student (the customer) from their group to buy the first item on their shopping list. The aim of the activity is to be the first group to buy all the items on their shopping list. In groups, students stand a card up on their table to show the name of their shop, e.g.

In this free shopping role-play game, students act as customers and shop assistants, and practice buying and selling items in a shop.